TCS iFLex Flexible Partial

 April 24, 2019
Turnaround Time - 3 Days

iFlex is the perfect solution for partial dentures and unilaterals! This easy to use Polyolefin thermoplastic partial is not only highly aesthetic but clinically unbreakable.

Required Case Materials
      • Upper and lower impressions or models
      • For best results use lightweight alginate impression materials.  
      • Tooth and gingival shade
      • Optional - Custom Impression Tray
      • Partial dentures, unilaterals, and flippers
      • Patients with allergies to monomer and nickel
      • Presence of tori, oral cancer and cleft palate
  • Polyolefin thermoplastic
  • Clinically unbreakable
  • Easy chairside adjustments
  • Stain free
  • Lightweight yet durable
  • Ideal degree of flexibility
  • High translucency
  • Repairable and rebasable
  • Biocompatible - BPA free, Monomer free, and hypoallergenic
Adjustment & Polishing Recommendations
  • Use carbide burs for making small adjustments and TCS Brown Rubber Points to smooth adjusted areas. Use light pressure to avoid gouging the material.
  • Soak the partial in very hot clean tap water for about 1 minute before initial insertion. When case cools to a tolerable temperature gently insert it into patient’s mouth. (This is only recommended for 1st insertion).